Posts Tagged ‘PS3’

MAG Some Tips

Tuesday, May 11th, 2010

I put these on the GameFaqs forum. Hope this helps.

AAA Repair

Sensor jammer is the key here. Roughly, enemy uses two satellite sweeps a game. This is the perfect time to sneak and fix.

Silenced weapon: Cheapest weapon with Sensor jammer load out is SMG with a silencer.

Take a longer route: just hug the wall/edge of the map.

Do not use a vehicle: this draws an attention. Use it if you know it will not take much to fix it. Park a car near the bunker at the end to distract the enemy thinking that you are going for the bunker first.

Do not kill people: prioritize it carefully. Killing means, that guy will comback after respawn.

Paratroopers cannot see you most of time: they often ignore checking the back of AAA

Kinda obvious. Aim for 2 repairs a game. My best was 6 repairs a game when I was lucky to be a only guy going for the both AAAs on the adjacent platoons.

Also, when possible, pickup Roadblock repair right after AAA fix (SVER AB and CD)

Roadblock Repair

This is trickiest one because you have to be quite lucky to get good ones. For each AAA repair, prepare to fix one in SVER Dom AB CD

SVER Dom AB: sit on the north side of the bridge corner. Fix one up to 90% then start the second one. Once the second one is done then get the first one.

SVER Dom CD: fix one then run like hell to the other side to fix one. If you get lucky, you can back and forth a few repairs.

SVER Acq: this is more difficult than it sounds. Even though it has 7 spots, you have to have competent enemy to break the bunker line. More of luck I guess.

Not much I can add more, since again, this is very precious repair. Always pick one up whenever you have a chance.

Bunker Turret Rocket Kill Tip

I hope this helps people. I only have tip for a SVER side map though.


Fire two rockets together: You cannot kill most of enemies with one shot, always use two at a time. If you killed with one and one is still on, just fire away to reload. Once you get familiar with this, you can try one-two combo, AKA, turret gun a little bit then rocket bam.

Use the explosion: if enemy hides behind the wall, shoot twice on the ground right next to it. You have good chance to kill him.

Satellite sweep: most OIC uses this at the beginning. Utilize it to max. If you see a red mark far away, aim well and fire twice. You will be surprised by how many times you get kills. (often farther than 120m)

APC: it takes 4 rockets to destroy. If you have allies with rockets, time well and fire twice right after others shoot a rocket or two. If satellite is on, try to kill/finish off when the red mark is on the APC, which means somebody is driving/gunning, otherwise, you will end up blowing up an empty APC. That’s shame.

Chopper: not sure how many. But you have to destroy this first. Not for the rocket kill, but for the sake of the platoon.

Bunker location: most of time edge bunkers are good spot because enemies are swarming. Bad news is, if they have rocketeers, you are a goner. Also, edge bunker means, enemies tend to sneak behind you. Watch out for sneak paths.

Countering rocketeer: two types, regular rocket and guided rocket. Regular rocketeers approaches enough for you to spot but no warning. Guided rocket is far away but you can get the warning. Learn few spots, where enemy uses a lot. Always try to shoot twice into the spot where rocket fires from. When the bunker is about to explode, get out of the bunker, wait for enemies to shoot one last to destroy THEN repair.

Repairing: always keep the repair kit. You gotta be responsible of your own turret when it’s destroyed. Also if you see other bunker turrets are down, fix it and use it. When on the top, lie down on the right side of the bunker and move far away from the turret. As soon as it is done, get up, jump backward. You will land the right side of the bunker (which is the door to the bunker).

Killing sneak charger: make sure you check your bunker status (frago should be on the bunker). Whenever you see red blinking on the bunker, get out and kill the sneak charger, then go back in.

Squint: a lot. Sometimes you need to spot enemy which is more or less 1 pixel. Ready for the rocket, then shoots.

Platoon leader: be one if you are a responsible person. I didn’t do this because I did not want get distracted by calling air strikes,etc nor did not want to harm the whole platoon by ignoring the duties. But if you are one, you will get automatic heal on the bunker. (wait, was it OIC? anyhow, you know what i mean)


Dom AB:
– Alpha: Most rockets are coming from the right side hill. Ready for them.
– Bravo: Kinda boring area. Try to pickup the Alpha’s area.
– Charlie: nice view on the burnout tower. Good chances to kill APCs alot. Be careful of enemies on top of the right side pump thingy (where only enemies can climb)
– Delta: my favorite. If you have APC parks on the left side hill behind the small hut, that can be so fun. Also can be so deadly. Keep checking the pump structure coming over the bunker also. Shoot to the window of the hut. Many will stay there to rocket you.

Dom CD:
– Alpha: can be boring. Check the right side always. There is a small hut near the enemy spawn. You can kill enemy inside there. Once you get hit by rocket, check that area.
– Bravo: probably worst in this platoon since no good view. HOWEVER, you can shoot the Alpha bunker chargers. If you see enemies sneak to the Alpha from the stairs, wait for them to start charging. Shoot twice.
– Charlie: nice spot for the APC kills.
– Delta: my favorite again. Also many rocketeers from the second floor of the building. Many attacks from the raised area on the left side.

Dom EF:
– Alpha: Can be boring, unless enemy parks APC at the edge of the map.
– Bravo: also kinda boring.
– Charlie: a little better I guess. Also you can aim the AAA chargers through the few pillars. Practice few shots to make sure you can shoot the AAA console area.
– Delta: Can be boring, unless enemy parks APC. Can be fun once burnout tower is gone.

Dom GH:
– Alpha: Very nice spot. Many will attack from the right side houses. Most of game, this bunker is the first one to go down.
– Bravo: kinda mixed bag. Assist Alpha, or make sure that enemies cannot sneak along the train lines.
– Charlie: nice spot. APC can park right in front of it though. The end of trains can be a good spot to blind fire.
– Delta: favorite again. Many attack (with APC) from left hill. APC can park right in front of it though.

Acquisition is more or less same. Edge bunkers for checking sneaky attackers. Middle bunkers for aiming far away.

Video capture from PS3

Sunday, February 21st, 2010

UPDATED: Better upload here,


I just captured a 720p video play of Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2. Just wanted to test the quality of the capture card called Blackmagic intensity pro.

The originally capture video is MJPEG avi file. The size is 311MB. I just uploaded whole thing and let Youtube converted it to whatever it wanted. The newly created Youtube video is MP4 file and the size is only 8MB.

Interesting thing is, somehow, the MP4 (which was solely converted by Youtube) has interesting interlace-kinda artifacts. These are screen capture of two files being played by windows media player.

MJPEG (click to enlarge)

MP4 (click to enlarge)

The blade on the left part of the screen clearly shows there is a problem with conversion. The question is, does MJPEG has originally recorded as interlaced version? or some information got lost during the conversion. I guess I need to learn more about MJPEG and video conversion.

UPDATE: This link has a good conversation about the interlace problem. It seems the option in the MJPEG decoding is confused depending on decoders.

Trailers that sold me game

Thursday, December 24th, 2009


I love watching good game trailers. A particular good one this year was inFamous trailer. I had been only mildly interested in the game before this trailer. The game mechanic was not terribly original. Shooting seems a little bit weak-sauce. Just… mildly interested. Then I saw this trailer.

This changed my perspective of the game. It connected all those different elements of the game very well and presented in a very good fluid form. Nice music and nice edit/slow-mo around actions. I bought the game and enjoyed it for sure.

Heavy Rain

The most intriguing trailer this year for me is Heavy Rain trailers. Again, I was not that much interested in the game. Already saw the gameplay videos (again), just a string of QTE. Nice graphic… a little bit awkward animation. The animation was all motion captured but, it was more of watching acting not action.

Then this trailer completely hooked me.

The music immediately blew me away. Then the guy’s face. The sad face with such emptiness in his eyes simply made me watch it again and again (maybe because I am a sad person). His expression and subtle gesture were just perfect.

Then another trailer (contains nudity). BTW, this is in Polish.

The shout at the end just gave me a chill. Can’t wait to play this game.

PS3 Slim in da house

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009

Got the new PS3 slim by opening Sony credit card. Did backup and restore thing to copy data from the old one to the new one. It did not work as I expected.

Things that were copied/restored,

  • All custom files like music, picture, video clips.
  • Save files for the games.
  • Had to resync PSN account and trophies.

Things that were not restored,

  • Any download from PSN, purchased videos, purchased games, demos, add-ons (like Rockband song download). Basically the game folder was not there and the game data folder was empty.

Now I have to re-download all games I purchased from the store again. Kinda pain.

Other than that, it worked out pretty good. The new one is of course slimmer/lighter. Virtually no noise. The old one is connected to the monitor in my room (which has a window to the living room).

I setup the whole account so that my wife and I can play online hard-way 🙂

We tried Fat Princess and it was pretty fun. My wife could leisurely avoid battles and focus on chopping down trees while I was more focusing on killing.  Occasionally we could team-up to rescue the princess. This was against bots, of course. Need more practice to really play online.

Games we are going to try, (more like games “I” like to try, of course this will be very costly)

  • Sacred 2 – my wife agrees that having the separate screens will be very good.
  • Burnout Paradise – only if she likes the idea of cruising around the Paradise city. (which she thinks stupid so far)
  • Resistance 2 Co-op – kinda tempted to teach her FPS but…can be very frustrating.
  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Co-op – will be very interesting.

Hmm… anything more?

Fat Princess and Fat Joystick

Tuesday, August 4th, 2009

Got Fat Princess last week, which is awesome. Pure mayhem with 32 players running, jumping, killing, healing, building, freezing, burning, bombing, stealing, kidnapping, chickening…

There are some network issues with joining games but I have not had any other problems like a disappearing princess bug. Each game can be pretty long depending on the teamwork. It is just fun to go around with bunch other players and killing 🙂

One time, I was approaching the metal rock thing to harvest some materials. The enemy worker just produced one material after multiple chopping. I picked that up and deposit it on our post. Went back, the guy was chopping the rock again, and just produced a new material. I picked that up AGAIN, and he started chasing me to our post area. He got killed by my teammates of course. Fun time.

Fat Joystick

I was eying on this for a while but the price was too high. After hearing my friend’s description, “It’s bodaciously awesome!”, I could not resist it anymore. Got one from Frys, $129.99. Loving it. Freaking heavy and sturdy. For all other sticks, I tend to worry about my inputs because the stick keeps shaking when I violently move it. That tends to suck my focus out of the game. With this fat stick, movement is much better. The stick is so fat, my fat ass cannot disturb it…         … joke fail.

Ah… controllers

Tuesday, June 30th, 2009

Doing some house cleaning (especially around the entertainment center) and realized I have tons of controllers. Most of them will go to back to storage boxes I guess.

All those guitar hero and rockband stuffs are not in here :P, which are two PS2 GH guitars, one PS3 GH3 guitar and two sets of RB guitar/drum/mic.

Ah… memories … of not using them.

I still can use most PS2/1 stuffs using USB adapter on the PS3, which is good. Gamecube ones are working fine with Wii of course. Xbox ones are useless since my old Xbox is broken now. Dreamcast ones are good but not using them anytime soon. A little bit of Ikaruga maybe.

Resident Evil 5…..

Friday, June 26th, 2009

Couldn’t pass this deal, 45bucks for the collector’s edition. Arrived today. Usually most CE games have some crap but this one has truly crappy stuffs.

Me: “Honey, look at these stuff.”

Wife: *Stare-them-as-if-they-are-fresh-manure*

Me: “Look at this bag. Do you want to use it?”

Wife: …..

The game itself is not as bad as I expected. Same old RE with even clunkier control (or maybe in this day and age tank-control simply does not feel right). “Zombies” move faster but not attack faster. Quickly approach to 10feet radius from nowhere, then hesitate with those beautiful red eyes. Must be thinking “whether to  kiss or hug, that is the question”. Bam, headshot. Hardly knew ye.

Graphics are terrific, but way to bright to be RE. I guess it will get better in the later chapters. The AI partner is kinda okay. Not as bad as others might say. Just convenient extra item bag. But having one clearly drops the horror factor down by 5. Even though you are in the classic RE claustrophobic corridors, the AI just runs here and there happy, points the gun at the incoming enemies.

However, if this is the carbon copy of the ‘roller-coaster’ actioner RE4, then this should be fun. Hope this could be a nice diversion after hours of Sacred 2, aka a life-destroyer.

New addiction, Sacred 2: Fallen Angels

Monday, May 18th, 2009

Sacred 2: Fallen Angel is simply a perfect game to play with my wife. We used to play a lot of Baldur’s Gate and Champions of Norrath for PS2. Those were basically a linear dungeon-based hack-n-slash game. Kill-Loot-Shop. A perfect combo for me and my wife to spend countless hours together. I was dying for another game like those for years.

Now Sacred 2 came and it is perfect. A classic hack-n-slash gameplay with fair dose of MMO-like open-ended quest system. More place to travel, more monsters to kill, more things to collect and shop.

One great addition is the “mount” system. Basically you can have a pony steed. You can attack while riding, go upstairs in the building and talk to people. Only no-no is inside of the dungeon, fair enough. Traveling becomes much easier and you can avoid enemies much easier while on the open road. You can even jump over small obstacles.

Then, you get a “unique mount”. A speical beast for your character class, tiger and lizard for me and my wife. It is funny that riding those is, function-wise, not different from a horse yet it makes you feel “unique”. “Life is good” kinda way.

Only problem is that we play way too much…..

What an average player I am.

Sunday, May 10th, 2009

Took this a while ago playing Resistance 2. Check out the kill/death. I am soooooooooooo average.

Kills: 777     Deaths: 777


Online-specific trophy dilemma….

Sunday, May 10th, 2009

Been playing Resistance 2 and Killzone 2 a lot for past months. Each game has one specific (online) trophy left for me to tackle but those are pretty nasty ones.

For Resistance 2, 10000 kill trophy will take a lot of playing on ranked matches. (so far about 1200 kills).

For Killzone 2, Valor #4 trophy (getting in top 1% of players during a week) will need some solid griding for a week.

Other trophies are relatively easy but online-specific ones are …… so time-consuming. Lucky that I do not play that much of Warhawk, WipeOut HD, Battlefield BC, Unreal Tournament 3……or do I?