Fat Princess and Fat Joystick

Got Fat Princess last week, which is awesome. Pure mayhem with 32 players running, jumping, killing, healing, building, freezing, burning, bombing, stealing, kidnapping, chickening…

There are some network issues with joining games but I have not had any other problems like a disappearing princess bug. Each game can be pretty long depending on the teamwork. It is just fun to go around with bunch other players and killing 🙂

One time, I was approaching the metal rock thing to harvest some materials. The enemy worker just produced one material after multiple chopping. I picked that up and deposit it on our post. Went back, the guy was chopping the rock again, and just produced a new material. I picked that up AGAIN, and he started chasing me to our post area. He got killed by my teammates of course. Fun time.

Fat Joystick

I was eying on this for a while but the price was too high. After hearing my friend’s description, “It’s bodaciously awesome!”, I could not resist it anymore. Got one from Frys, $129.99. Loving it. Freaking heavy and sturdy. For all other sticks, I tend to worry about my inputs because the stick keeps shaking when I violently move it. That tends to suck my focus out of the game. With this fat stick, movement is much better. The stick is so fat, my fat ass cannot disturb it…         … joke fail.

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