Unexpectedly Realistic Ragdoll Physics

May 28th, 2011

Quite surprising that it really looks like the guy is trying to pull himself up somehow. Unexpectedly good quality ragdoll physics. Kudos to Zipper.

Shotgun Montage

May 28th, 2011


May 15th, 2011

Enough said 😀

Missing MAG for 3 Weeks Already…

May 8th, 2011


SOCOM 4 Singleplayer Gameplay

April 30th, 2011

Since PSN is down, more singleplayer gameplay 😛


April 24th, 2011

It seems there is a bug in the UGC tool. My guess is that the random selector generates a number (which indexes the object in the group) and if the object is not there, it stops working.

PSN is down at the moment so I cannot post this on the inFamous Beta forum. I hope the sucker punch can fix this for the release version.

The video shows that.

PSN is Down…. SOCOM4 Montage to Kill Some Time

April 23rd, 2011

Quite shocking that PSN is down for this long. Want to play Socom 4 but….so here is some lousy montage 😛

SOCOM 4 MP Day 1 Videos

April 20th, 2011

Got SOCOM 4 and had two nice games. The first map is great. I love the openness and many objects to hide at the same time.

The mechanic of game, physics, gun handling, aiming, knifing, etc, all are very familiar to MAG players I suppose.

The first game video without any editing

The second game with editing. This map is from beta, so I had some idea. A little bit lopsided 😛

I had second highest killing, yet somehow I got the MVP, must be all those backstabbing points I was whoring 😀

First Commentary Videos!!!

December 17th, 2010

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September 27th, 2010

I had this… idea … a few weeks ago, when I recorded an APC blowing up. Making a MAG video with Inception trailer music. (two of my favorite things happened in 2010).

Since MAG 2.0 (greatest hit edition) is coming out soon, I think this is also a well-timed video 😀

*Please, note that I am not a professional in editing at all. I hope some of you talented guys can make something much better with this… idea.

**Zipper should give me a cookie or something 😉 I don’t think I devoted this much to any other game in my life. (Please, don’t sue me, zipper, sony … and Mr. Nolan)

***I had this glitched soldier floating in the air, but could not find the video……that would’ve been perfect….darn…
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