Posts Tagged ‘PS3’

Folklore… interesting game

Sunday, May 10th, 2009

Finished Folklore (PS3). It is an action RPG game that focuses on capturing enemies and using them as weapons. The story is interesting with few twists. It is presented in comic strip style which I didn’t like also the presentation of the story needs more work.

Capturing enemies and upgrading those by finishing specific tasks can be fun (like ‘capture same enemy 4 times to upgrade’, ‘kill a certain enemy 4 times with this one to upgrade’). But same time, this can be very tedious since you have to backtrack all those stages to find enemies.

Some enemies (folk) have basic status like water/fire, and that rolls into fighting obviously.

Boss fights are usually great, too bad it only has a few. The last boss is awesome though.

One massive annoyance is that you have to play each stage twice with your two main characters.