Ah… controllers

June 30th, 2009

Doing some house cleaning (especially around the entertainment center) and realized I have tons of controllers. Most of them will go to back to storage boxes I guess.

All those guitar hero and rockband stuffs are not in here :P, which are two PS2 GH guitars, one PS3 GH3 guitar and two sets of RB guitar/drum/mic.

Ah… memories … of not using them.

I still can use most PS2/1 stuffs using USB adapter on the PS3, which is good. Gamecube ones are working fine with Wii of course. Xbox ones are useless since my old Xbox is broken now. Dreamcast ones are good but not using them anytime soon. A little bit of Ikaruga maybe.

Resident Evil 5…..

June 26th, 2009

Couldn’t pass this deal, 45bucks for the collector’s edition. Arrived today. Usually most CE games have some crap but this one has truly crappy stuffs.

Me: “Honey, look at these stuff.”

Wife: *Stare-them-as-if-they-are-fresh-manure*

Me: “Look at this bag. Do you want to use it?”

Wife: …..

The game itself is not as bad as I expected. Same old RE with even clunkier control (or maybe in this day and age tank-control simply does not feel right). “Zombies” move faster but not attack faster. Quickly approach to 10feet radius from nowhere, then hesitate with those beautiful red eyes. Must be thinking “whether to  kiss or hug, that is the question”. Bam, headshot. Hardly knew ye.

Graphics are terrific, but way to bright to be RE. I guess it will get better in the later chapters. The AI partner is kinda okay. Not as bad as others might say. Just convenient extra item bag. But having one clearly drops the horror factor down by 5. Even though you are in the classic RE claustrophobic corridors, the AI just runs here and there happy, points the gun at the incoming enemies.

However, if this is the carbon copy of the ‘roller-coaster’ actioner RE4, then this should be fun. Hope this could be a nice diversion after hours of Sacred 2, aka a life-destroyer.

Gotta Love E3

June 4th, 2009

Nice E3 as usual. I just love all those excitement of games with so much potential. Of course many of them disappoint when they actually come out. But again, I just love the excitement.

Also the royal-battle of evil companies. Having this much intense competition is bliss. That’s why I always support ‘underdogs’, Dreamcast, Gamecube, Xbox, and now it is PS3, ironically 🙂

  • Microsoft: being evil as usual, once they have a strong foot hold, shove whatever they want to the users and yet users will cheer for them.
  • Sony: being evil as usual AND slow, try to gain some momentum with marketing BS and empty promises.
  • Nintendo: being evil as usual AND lazy, make another plastic that they can sell gazillions to people, which will collect dust in a month.

But kudos to the developers (not marketing/business people) for creating great entertainment/art AND excitement of the potential even if it’s short-lived.

New addiction, Sacred 2: Fallen Angels

May 18th, 2009

Sacred 2: Fallen Angel is simply a perfect game to play with my wife. We used to play a lot of Baldur’s Gate and Champions of Norrath for PS2. Those were basically a linear dungeon-based hack-n-slash game. Kill-Loot-Shop. A perfect combo for me and my wife to spend countless hours together. I was dying for another game like those for years.

Now Sacred 2 came and it is perfect. A classic hack-n-slash gameplay with fair dose of MMO-like open-ended quest system. More place to travel, more monsters to kill, more things to collect and shop.

One great addition is the “mount” system. Basically you can have a pony steed. You can attack while riding, go upstairs in the building and talk to people. Only no-no is inside of the dungeon, fair enough. Traveling becomes much easier and you can avoid enemies much easier while on the open road. You can even jump over small obstacles.

Then, you get a “unique mount”. A speical beast for your character class, tiger and lizard for me and my wife. It is funny that riding those is, function-wise, not different from a horse yet it makes you feel “unique”. “Life is good” kinda way.

Only problem is that we play way too much…..

What an average player I am.

May 10th, 2009

Took this a while ago playing Resistance 2. Check out the kill/death. I am soooooooooooo average.

Kills: 777     Deaths: 777


Online-specific trophy dilemma….

May 10th, 2009

Been playing Resistance 2 and Killzone 2 a lot for past months. Each game has one specific (online) trophy left for me to tackle but those are pretty nasty ones.

For Resistance 2, 10000 kill trophy will take a lot of playing on ranked matches. (so far about 1200 kills).

For Killzone 2, Valor #4 trophy (getting in top 1% of players during a week) will need some solid griding for a week.

Other trophies are relatively easy but online-specific ones are …… so time-consuming. Lucky that I do not play that much of Warhawk, WipeOut HD, Battlefield BC, Unreal Tournament 3……or do I?

Folklore… interesting game

May 10th, 2009

Finished Folklore (PS3). It is an action RPG game that focuses on capturing enemies and using them as weapons. The story is interesting with few twists. It is presented in comic strip style which I didn’t like also the presentation of the story needs more work.

Capturing enemies and upgrading those by finishing specific tasks can be fun (like ‘capture same enemy 4 times to upgrade’, ‘kill a certain enemy 4 times with this one to upgrade’). But same time, this can be very tedious since you have to backtrack all those stages to find enemies.

Some enemies (folk) have basic status like water/fire, and that rolls into fighting obviously.

Boss fights are usually great, too bad it only has a few. The last boss is awesome though.

One massive annoyance is that you have to play each stage twice with your two main characters.

Game game game

May 10th, 2009

This is a blog of my gaming stuff. blah.blah.blah.game.